Apr 6, 2015 | Blog, Investments, News, Tax Planning
The Nasty Tax Here we are, 2 years after getting rooked with a 5 dimensional tax system, and many people are still unaware of the Nasty Tax: 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT). I think the IRS used Wal-Mart pricing strategy with 8’s when they derived the number so...
Aug 26, 2014 | Blog, News
If you haven’t heard of Brené Brown, watch this excellent 20 minute video. I just finished listening to her book “The Power of Vulnerability”. Brown’s insights resonate with truths that help breakdown the superficial beliefs that our culture...
Jul 18, 2014 | Blog, News
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Hmmm.. The New Yorker is promoting the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as the protective grandmother for the middle class and unemployed. Conspicuously absent in Nicholas Lemann’s profile in the magazine is her track...
Jul 13, 2014 | Blog, News, Uncategorized
Argentina: Playing the Odds. In today’s World Cup Final, Argentina is a 3 to 1 underdog. Maybe enticing odds for soccer fans, but miniscule for a world famous hedge fund guru’s bet on the land of Patagonia. Paul Singer launched a hedge fund in 1977. He is known as one...
Apr 16, 2014 | Blog, News
Heartbleed is serious. What is it? The Heartbleed Bug is a vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. It allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS...
Apr 12, 2014 | Blog, News, Tax Planning
Tax Planning to Avoid ATRA-phy The American Taxpayer Relief Act. Brought to you by the same people who ushered in Super PACs guised as “campaign finance reform” and unleashed the Orwellian flood by calling it “The Patriot Act”. The relief is comes in the form of 20%...