Our 401k Solution
We understand your time is devoted to running a business. You thought a 401k plan was a good thing to do for you and your employees. You don’t want to shoulder the fiduciary liability alone, meeting the ERISA compliance responsibilities is a headache, and hidden fees bother you. We have a solution.
We offer a complete fee-only model with full disclosure, open architecture and unbiased investment advisory services with co-fiduciary insulation for the investment process.
Our 401k Solution and Advantages:
1. Open Architecture Plan = No Hidden Fees.
2. No billable fees.
3. Reduced Liability Exposure = New Plan Meets ERISA 3(38) Standard.
4. Best of Breed Actively Managed Portfolios.
5. Fee-Only Registered Investment Advisors who provide unbiased investment analysis, recommendations and monitoring of Plan Assets.
6. Interactive and ongoing employee education from experienced, professionally credentialed Registered Investment Advisors.